Bowling has a longer history than one would imagine! In the 1930’s a British anthropologist discovered a collection of objects in a child’s grave in Egypt that appeared to him a bowling set! Bowling became popular in America in the 1800’s. When new rubber balls and the automatic pinspotter were invented, bowling was set for massive growth into a worldwide sport for professionals and amateurs to enjoy as a serious sport or just a fun time with friends or family.

Bowling is one of the most popular sports in the UAE. In the last few years, the number of bowlers, from among nationals and expatriates, has grown manifold. The increasing popularity of the game is not due merely to the inter­national achievements of the UAE in the sport, despite the fact that they are tremendous and outstanding, but because bowling is a fun family game that everyone can enjoy — the men, the ladies, the young, the old, the fit and even the unfit.


The picture above is on one our walls and the background shows various bowling terminology (and some of the names of our food items)! Here you will find some of the definitions.

Anchor: Last man to roll in team competition. Usually the best bowler; i.e., the bowler most likely to get a strike in the "foundation frame" (the ninth frame) and most likely to "strike out." The term originated in 1913 when a bowler (Hans Arfsparger) for the Anchor Brewing team in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, bowled in the fifth position and struck out 94 times in succession.

Bedposts: The 7-10 split. (fence posts, goal posts, mule ears, snake eyes)

Arrows: Aiming points embedded in the lane. These seven arrows (usually red or black, but may be other colors) are used for targeting. (darts)

Bedposts: The 7-10 split. (fence posts, goal posts, mule ears, snake eyes)

Charge: Term used by pros to described a sensational spurt of high scoring.

Deuce: A 200 game or 200 average; see also "par."

Double: Two strikes in a row; scores twenty plus the number of pins knocked down on the next ball.

Looper: An extra-wide hook ball, usually slow.

Lucky Strike: ​​Your American diner in Abu Dhabi!

Kingpin: The innermost or central pin in an arrangement of bowling pins

Leverage: Power generated by the sliding and lifting motion of the legs.

Maples: Pins. Mark: 1) A strike or spare; 2) the point on the lane where the bowler intends to put the ball down or otherwise use as a target.

Murphy: Baby split (2-7, 3-10).

Split: A spare leave in which the headpin is down and the remaining combination of pins have an intermediate pin down immediately ahead of or between them. (hole, railroad)

Tickler: When the 6-pin gently topples the 10-pin from the channel resulting in a strike; the 6-pin is the "tickler."

Yank the shot: When a bowler hangs onto the ball too long and pulls it across his body.
